Collecting your Turkey is quick, easy & safe!

We are open for collections on Monday 23rd December, 7am - 7pm and Christmas Eve, 7am - 2pm.
This year we've made it safe and easy to collect your Turkey, we have introduced a one way system:
- Please park in the allocated car park.
- Walk down to the collection area and inform the staff that you have arrived so they can locate your bird while you help yourself to the hospitality- tea, coffee, mulled wine, home made mince pies etc.
- Proceed into the barn to pay and collect your boxed bird (unfortunately we don`t use a card machine so payment is by cash or cheque please although we do now allow bacs payments if neither is with you)
- Carry on through the barn back to the car park.
As ever the Bridgers Farm team will be on hand to assist should you need any help.